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Giving Back 

Boys and Girls Club, Venice Beach

Along with our excellent partners in Peru we recently donated a trip to Peru for 2 people and all proceeds went to the Boys and Girls Club, Venice Beach. $10,000 was raised. 

Tanzania Children's Fund

Clavey and I want to thank all of our friends, family and past guests that have contributed to the Tanzania Children's Fund.  We raised over $10,000 to date for this wonderful organization and had a truly enriching experience volunteering for 3 weeks last June at the Rift Valley Children's Village set at the base of the famous Ngoro Ngoro Crater. Founded by India Howell, this amazing home and school for over 100 children is one of the best community based projects in Africa.  Many of you came to our home when we hosted India last spring just after she was featured on 60 Minutes on CBS.  We all had a great time!


Click here to learn more or donate

Zimbabwe- Imvelo Elephant Trust

Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe


Working with our close friend and partner, Mark Butcher, the former park warden of Hwange, our guests enjoy his exclusive guiding and insights but more importantly have joined us in supporting his superb community projects.  We just raised enough funds to install water pipelines to the school.


We offer immediate support to our wildlife communities by managing and maintaining eight water pumps, drinking troughs and bathing pans across the east portion of Hwange National Park. Every dry season, the provision of 24-hour fresh water supplies helps to protect thousands of animals against dehydration and death. Your donation can go to village water wells, schools, wildlife water wells, the dentist Safari or the Nyamukani sewing club in Vic Falls. 


Click here to learn more or donate

Supporting our local schools

We have been donating trips and cooking parties to our local schools since our founding in 1997. We are proud to report that we have raised over $100,000 for the kids.


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